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Canadian Style Bacon

- Product which is identified as "Canadian Style Bacon" is made from a trimmed boneless pork loin.

- On the shoulder end, the cross section of the longissimus dorsi muscle shall be equal to or larger than semispinalis capitis muscles. The ham end shall be removed approximately perpendicular with the skin surface. The dorsal shall not be more than 1.0 inch different in length. The belly is removed adjacent to the longissimus dorsi muscle. All bones and cartilage shall be removed. The tenderloin and the flesh overlying the blade bone are excluded. The surface fat (and false lean when necessary) shall be trimmed to 0.3 inches thick at any point. The fat on the ventral and dorsal sides is neatly beveled to meet the lean.

- The term "Canadian Style Bacon," when featured on the label as a product name on part of a product name (i.e., as a description, etc.), may stand alone without an additional qualified indicating the true geographical origin of the product.

- Policy Memo 050B dated December 19, 1985.

- "Chunked and formed" and "Water Added" products are permitted provided proper labeling is applied.

- Uncooked and/or unsmoked "Canadian Style bacon" is also permitted, provided labeling describes the product as uncooked an/or unsmoked.