Open Dating

Labels showing further qualifying phrases in addition to the explanatory phrase must submit with the application sufficient documentation to support these additional claims. See (9 CFR 317.8(b)(32) and 9 CFR 381.129(c).) Some local authorities require that packaged foods heated and sold hot from industrial catering vehicles be dated with the day the foods were placed in the warming units (e.g., Tuesday, Friday, etc.). When assured by the local authorities that the foods are under a rigid local inspection program, the designations may be approved without an explanatory statement as required by the regulations. To date, only the county of Los Angeles, California, has provided this assurance.

The packing date should be shown on immediate or shipping containers of poultry food products as required by regulations (9 CFR 381.126 and 381.129(c)). When meat or poultry products are packed and held in freezer storage for later repacking, the explanatory phrase on repacked product should be in terms of "sell by" or "use before." However, if a "packed on" phrase is desired, the date shown shall be that of the original packing of the product.