7 CFR 210.10 Meal requirements for lunches and requirements for afterschool snacks
210.10.o Afterschool snacks. Eligible schools operating afterschool care programs may be reimbursed for one afterschool snack served to a child (as defined in § 210.2) per day.

210.10.o.1 "Eligible schools" means schools that:

210.10.o.1.i Operate school lunch programs under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act; and

210.10.o.1.ii Sponsor afterschool care programs as defined in § 210.2.

210.10.o.2 Afterschool snack requirements for grades K through 12. Afterschool snacks must contain two different components from the following four:

210.10.o.2.i A serving of fluid milk as a beverage, or on cereal, or used in part for each purpose.

210.10.o.2.ii A serving of meat or meat alternate, including nuts and seeds and their butters listed in FNS guidance that are nutritionally comparable to meat or other meat alternates based on available nutritional data.

210.10.o.2.ii.A Nut and seed meals or flours may be used only if they meet the requirements for alternate protein products established in appendix A of this part.

210.10.o.2.ii.B Acorns, chestnuts, and coconuts cannot be used as meat alternates due to their low protein and iron content.

210.10.o.2.iii A serving of vegetable or fruit, or full-strength vegetable or fruit juice, or an equivalent quantity of any combination of these foods. Juice must not be served when fluid milk is served as the only other component.

210.10.o.2.iv A serving of whole-grain or enriched bread; or an equivalent serving of a bread product, such as cornbread, biscuits, rolls, or muffins made with whole-grain or enriched meal or flour; or a serving of cooked whole-grain or enriched pasta or noodle products such as macaroni, or cereal grains such as enriched rice, bulgur, or enriched corn grits; or an equivalent quantity of any combination of these foods.

210.10.o.3 Afterschool snack requirements for preschoolers?

210.10.o.3.i Snacks served to preschoolers. Schools serving afterschool snack to children ages 1 through 4 must serve the food components and quantities required in the snack meal pattern established for the Child and Adult Care Food Program, under § 226.20(a), (c)(3), and (d) of this chapter. In addition, schools serving afterschool snacks to this age group must comply with the requirements set forth in paragraphs (a), (c)(3), (4), and (7), (d)(2) through (4), (g), and (m) of this section.

210.10.o.3.ii Preschooler snack meal pattern table. The minimum amounts of food components to be served at snack are as follows:

Ages 1-2 Ages 3-5
Food Components and Food Items {1} Minimum Quantities Minimum Quantities
Fluid milk {2} 4 fluid ounces 4 fluid ounces
Meats/meat alternates (edible portion as served):
Lean meat, poultry, or fish 1/2 ounce 1/2 ounce
Tofu, soy products, or alternate protein products {3} 1/2 ounce 1/2 ounce
Cheese 1/2 ounce 1/2 ounce
Large egg 1/2 1/2
Cooked dry beans or peas 1/8 cup 1/8 cup
Peanut butter or soy nut butter or other nut or seed butters 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp
Yogurt, plain or flavored unsweetened or sweetened {5} 2 ounces or 1/4 cup 2 ounces or 1/4 cup
Peanuts, soy nuts, tree nuts, or seeds 1/2 ounce 1/2 ounce
Vegetables {4} 1/2 cup 1/2 cup
Fruits {4} 1/2 cup 1/2 cup
Grains (oz eq) {6}{7}{8} 1/2 ounce equivalent 1/2 ounce equivalent

{1} Select two of the five components for a reimbursable snack. Only one of the two components may be a beverage.

{2} Must be unflavored whole milk for children age one. Must be unflavored low-fat (1 percent) or unflavored fat-free (skim) milk for children two through five years old.

{3} Alternate protein products must meet the requirements in appendix A to part 226 of this chapter.

{4} Pasteurized full-strength juice may only be used to meet the vegetable or fruit requirement at one meal, including snack, per day.

{5} Yogurt must contain no more than 23 grams of total sugars per 6 ounces.

{6} At least one serving per day, across all eating occasions, must be whole grain-rich. Grain-based desserts do not count towards meeting the grains requirement.

{7} Breakfast cereals must contain no more than 6 grams of sugar per dry ounce (no more than 21.2 grams sucrose and other sugars per 100
grams of dry cereal).

{8} Refer to FNS guidance for additional information on crediting different types of grains.

210.10.o.4 Afterschool snack requirements for infants?

210.10.o.4.i Snacks served to infants. Schools serving afterschool snacks to infants ages birth through 11 months must serve the food components and quantities required in the snack meal pattern established for the Child and Adult Care Food Program, under § 226.20(a), (b), and (d) of this chapter. In addition, schools serving afterschool snacks to infants must comply with the requirements set forth in paragraphs (a), (c)(3), (4), and (7), (g), and (m) of this section.

210.10.o.4.ii Infant snack meal pattern table. The minimum amounts of food components to be served at snack are as follows:

Table 6 to Paragraph (o)(4)(ii)--Infant Snack Meal Pattern

Age birth through 5 months Age 6 through 11 months
4-6 fluid ounces breastmilk {1} or formula {2}. 2-4 fluid ounces breastmilk {1} or formula {2}; and
0-1/2 ounce equivalent bread {3}{4}; or
0-1/4 ounce equivalent crackers {3}{4}; or
0-1/2 ounce equivalent infant cereal {2}{4}; or
0-1/4 ounce equivalent ready-to-eat breakfast cereal {3}{4}{5}{6}; and
0-2 tablespoons vegetable or fruit, or a combination of both {6}{7}
{1} Breastmilk or formula, or portions of both, must be served; however, it is recommended that breastmilk be served in place of formula from birth through 11 months. For some breastfed infants who regularly consume less than the minimum amount of breastmilk per feeding, a serving of less than the minimum amount of breastmilk may be offered, with additional breastmilk offered at a later time if the infant will consume more.

{2} Infant formula and dry infant cereal must be iron-fortified.

{3} A serving of grains must be whole grain-rich, enriched meal, or enriched flour.

{4} Refer to FNS guidance for additional information on crediting different types of grains.

{5} Breakfast cereals must contain no more than 6 grams of sugar per dry ounce (no more than 21.2 grams sucrose and other sugars per 100 grams of dry cereal).

{6} A serving of this component is required when the infant is developmentally ready to accept it.

{7} Fruit and vegetable juices must not be served.

210.10.o.5 Monitoring afterschool snacks. Compliance with the requirements of this paragraph is monitored by the State agency as part of the administrative review conducted under § 210.18. If the snacks offered do not meet the requirements of this paragraph, the State agency or school food authority must provide technical assistance and require corrective action. In addition, the State agency must take fiscal action, as authorized in §§ 210.18(l) and 210.19(c).
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