7 CFR 220 Appendix A - Alternate Foods for Meals - Formulated grain-fruit products
220 Appendix A - Alternate Foods for Meals - Formulated grain-fruit products

220.Appendix_A.I.1 Schools may utilize the formulated grain-fruit products defined in paragraph 3 as a food component in meeting the meal requirements of this part under the following terms and conditions:

220.Appendix_A.I.1.a Formulated grain-fruit products may be used to meet one bread/ bread alternate and the fruit/ vegetable requirement in the breakfast pattern specified in Sec. 220.8.

220.Appendix_A.I.1.b Only individually wrapped formulated grain-fruit products which bear a label conforming to the following legend shall be utilized. "This product conforms to U.S.D.A. Child Nutrition Program specifications. For breakfast, it meets the requirements for fruit/ vegetable/ juice and one bread/ bread alternate."

220.Appendix_A.I.2 Only formulated grain-fruit products that have been accepted by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) for use in the USDA child nutrition programs may be labeled as provided in paragraph 1.(b) of this appendix. Manufacturers seeking acceptance of their product shall furnish FNS a chemical analysis, protein efficiency ratio analysis, and such other pertinent data as may be requested by FNS. This information shall be forwarded to: Director, Nutrition and Technical Services Staff, Food and Nutrition Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Alexandria, Virginia 22302. All laboratory analyses are to be performed by independent or other laboratories acceptable to FNS. (FNS prefers an independent laboratory.) All laboratories shall retain the "raw" laboratory data for a period of one year. Such information shall be made available to FNS upon request.

220.Appendix_A.I.3 To be accepted by FNS, products must have the following characteristics and meet the following nutritional specifications:

220.Appendix_A.I.3.a Types. There are two types of products: one is a grain-type product and the other a grain-fruit type product.

220.Appendix_A.I.3.b Ingredients. A grain-type product shall have grain as its primary ingredient. A grain-fruit type product shall have fruit as its primary ingredient. Both types of products must have at least 25 percent of their weight derived from grain. All ingredients and/or components shall comply with pertinent requirements or standards of the USDA and the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended, and any regulations issued thereunder.

220.Appendix_A.I.3.c Nutritional specifications. Each serving of the product shall meet the minimum compositional requirements in the following table. The requirements as specified for those nutrients not limited by maximum values will be deemed to have been met if reasonable overages of the vitamins and minerals, within the limits of good manufacturing practice, are present to insure that the required levels are maintained throughout the expected shelf life under customary conditions of distribution and storage. An exception will be made for vitamins or minerals which occur naturally in an ingredient at such concentration that the level specified will be substantially exceeded in the final product. Such excess will be permitted but no lable claim of nutritional advantage can be made for overages for any nutrients. Analytical methods employed should be according to the standard procedures defined in the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1970, "Official Methods of Analysis," 11th edition, Washington, DC or by appropriate analytical procedures FNS considers reliable.

Nutritional Levels of Grain-Fruit Products {1}
Nutrient Unit Minimum Maximum
Weight Ounce 2 4.0
PER Casein=2.5 2.0
Moisture Percent weight 40.0
Fat{2} Percent weight 22.0
Fiber Percent weight 0.8
Protein (N x 6.25) Gram 5.0
Energy Kilocalorie 250
Vitamin A{3} International unit 1,115 1,675.0
Vitamin E International unit 5
Vitamin B12 Microgram 1.25
Thiamin Milligram .26
Riboflavin Milligram .13
Vitamin B6 Milligram .26
Vitamin C Milligram 20
Niacin Milligram 2.65
Folacin Milligram .04
Iron {4} Milligram 4.4
Calcium Milligram 120
Phosphorus Milligram 120
Magnesium Milligram 30
{1} These specifications are based on a nutrient level for acceptable products plus 1/2 pint of fluid milk (as defined in Sec. 220.2 of the regulations (7 CFR part 220)) to provide at least 25 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), 1968, for 10- to 12-year-old boys and girls for specified nutrients except magnesium and kilocalories. Magnesium and kilocalories--at least 13 percent of this RDA.

{2} Although the maximum fat in these specifications is 22 percent, consideration should be given to the development of formulated items containing less fat. Most medical authorities recommend keeping the dietary intake of fats at about 1/3 of the day's calories. At least 5 percent of the total calories shall be from linoleic acid.

{3} Vitamin A levels above the maximum of 1,675 I.U. will be allowed in products containing this nutrient as a natural food, and if the vitamin has not been added to the ingredients or foods.

{4} Recommended sources of iron are ferric ammonium citrate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous sulfates (FeSO4 or FeSO4 7H2 O), ferrous gluconate, reduced iron, or other sources known to have a similar relative biological value.
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