Usda Jurisdiction
General Usda Jurisdiction Regulations:
7 CFR 58.2 Designation of official certificates, memoranda, marks, identifications, and devices for purpose of the Agricultural Marketing Act
9 CFR 381.145 (part 1) Poultry products and other articles entering or at official establishments; examination and other requirements.
9 CFR 381.145 (part 2) Poultry products and other articles entering or at official establishments; examination and other requirements.
9 CFR 381.146 Sampling at official establishments
9 CFR 417.1 Definitions{HACCP}
9 CFR 417.2 (part 1) Hazard Analysis and HACCP Plan
9 CFR 417.2 (part 2) Hazard Analysis and HACCP Plan
9 CFR 417.3 Corrective actions{HACCP}
9 CFR 417.4 Validation, Verification, Reassessment{HACCP}
9 CFR 417.5 Records{HACCP}
9 CFR 417.6 Inadequate HACCP Systems
9 CFR 417.7 Training{HACCP}
9 CFR 417.8 Agency verification{HACCP}
amenability Amenability
cheese products contain. meat Cheese Products Containing Meat
FSIS Directive 12600.1(part 2) Reimbursable Services Questions and Answers
non-amenable product/voluntary Non-amenable Product/voluntary Inspection
pet food Pet Food